Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Make sure your Thanksgiving stays Happy!

If your like my family for Thanksgiving – we always have more food than people! 
The kitchen is the busiest place in the house with almost every appliance working and people in an out! Constant discussion about the weather and who is flying and traveling hoping they arrive safe. 
AND  -- 
Let's not forget the turkey fryer that has become very popular -- please cook that turkey outside regardless of the weather!  
Thanksgiving by the numbers:
    Thanksgiving is the peak day for home cooking fires, followed by Christmas Day and Christmas Eve.
    In 2014 nearly four times as many home cooking fires occur on Thanksgiving as on a typical day.
    In 2014, U.S. fire departments responded to an estimated 1,730 home cooking fires on Thanksgiving, the peak for such fires.
    Unattended cooking was by far the leading contributing factor in cooking fires and fire deaths.
    Cooking equipment was involved in almost half (48%) of all reported home fires and civilian and tied with heating equipment for the second leading cause of home fire deaths.
SO – Here are some tips to remember either when traveling or doing the cooking!
Fire Prevention
1. Make sure to secure any loose hair or clothing when cooking; long sleeves could trail in a gas flame or burner, catching fire and spreading it to the rest of your home.
2. Use caution with turkey fryers; because people often use them for the first time on Thanksgiving, they pose a distinct fire hazard.
3. Keep a fire extinguisher on hand just in case a fire breaks out, and make sure that you and your family members know how to use it.
4. Stand by your food; don’t leave the kitchen when something is on the stove top.
5. Keep children away from the stove at all times.
Home Security
If you are traveling away for Thanksgiving, it is crucial to keep your home safe from burglars, who will take advantage of your empty home. Follow these tips for maximum safety:
1. Don’t post your plans on social media; burglars can keep track of this and use it to their advantage.
2. Make sure to remove any ladders, decorations or other objects that provide easy access to your windows or any other entrances in your house from the outside.
3. Invest in a home security system, which will alert you if anyone breaks into your home.
4. Don’t leave any signs that you are away; for example, put your lights on a timer, and turn off your phone so that it does not ring off the hook and indicate that you are not there. Have a friend come by to pick up your mail so that it does not pile up out front.
Travel Safety
When traveling to meet family and friends during Thanksgiving, keep the following tips in mind:
1. Be prepared: if you are driving, carry an emergency road kit, and leave yourself extra time in case of bad weather.
2. Don’t drink and drive, and don’t text and drive. It is illegal and you drastically increase your chances of having an accident.
3. If you are flying, try to get to the airport early, because Thanksgiving crowds will cause significant delays.
In the event that unforeseen circumstances have occurred and you require either an automobile or homeowners’ policy consult, please don’t hesitate to Herrholtz Insurance Agency at 440-527-0304!

Have a safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving!!  
Image result for thanksgiving and fires stats?

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